I am a Professor at Lafayette College. I received my BS in microbiology from Penn State in 1983 and my PhD in Biological Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1988 where I worked with Janis O'Donnell. My thesis looked at development roles for GTP cyclohydrolase (Punch gene) in Drosophila. I did three postdoc: with Richard Scheller at Stanford, with Linda Hall at SUNY Buffalo, and with Mark Tanouye at UC Berkeley looking a fly models of nervous system physiology, particularly those producing seizure and paralysis phenotypes. At my current position, I have continued to study fly models of seizure, but have recently shifted some of my effort into the field of aging and nutrition. I have also collaborated with colleagues in neurocomputational modeling. Lafayette only has undergraduate students so my research is either done by undergraduates, by myself, or in collaboration with colleagues. I helped developed and chaired our undergraduate major in neuroscience and I am an engaged member of my local Lehigh Valley SfN chapter and the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, and I am on the editorial board for the Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education.